Assessing your security posture and providing Bespoke Security Services for High Net Worth Individuals and their Companies.
Agency quality protection
We Assess And Protect
We protect High-Profile/High Net Worth Individuals and their families
Fortune 500 companies trust us to protect their company and people from outside threats
Securing your exposed physical assets is one of the wisest investments you can make
It’s essential to protect yourself from growing digital threats in an increasingly tech-centered world
We Live in a World Burdened with threats and those willing to hurt YOU.… Don’t leave yourself vulnerable to their attacks.
Our Mission is to prevent and stop those things from happening BEFORE they happen. We provide peace of mind.
Where are your Gaps and Critical Vulnerabilities?
Risk Mitigation
Recognize adversarial motivations to proactively reduce the risks of hazards and threats to an acceptable level.
Threat Intelligence
Synthesize vital, evidence-based knowledge that provides necessary context for informed business dealings.
Event Security & Personal Protection
We can help secure a single event or trip on an as-needed basis or be there around the clock for you and your family.
Due Diligence
Our skilled analysts utilize a powerful data platform to produce advanced reports to elevate decisions and maximize opportunities.
Security Awareness Training
Learn certain aspects of our specialized tradecraft so you can organically apply the techniques in your daily movements.
We help you find the "missing piece" through intensive, exhaustive investigations - both here and abroad.
Monitoring & Analytics
We monitor targeted sets of information, analyze the outputs from a unique perspective, and turn data into insights.
Digital Hygiene
Understand the importance of your digital footprint and how to sanitize, organize or energize each platform to project the right image.
Global Service Providers
Activate our worldwide network of associates to accomplish tasks or solve the toughest problems - personally and professionally.
It Starts with J3’s Threat Assessment
We identify YOUR potential breaches through our fine-tuned assessment process. J3 leverages our combined decades of experience to bring your CRITICAL Vulnerabilities to the forefront.
The assessment gives you:
CONFIDENCE - Every Potential Risk and Vulnerability is detected and discussed.
TIERED PRIORITIES - For Today, Next Year and a LIFETIME of Peace of Mind.
ACCESS - to our EXTENSIVE Network so that we may execute on PRIORITIES.
Experience the J Factor
When you place your trust in J3, you immediately gain access to an experienced and committed team of security professionals. We understand the threats you, your family, and your organization are worried about.
With a lifetime of experience in both the military and the FBI/AGENCY, we have seen and combated all types of peril. We know how to LEAD you and yours through safely, quickly, and without harm.
We treat every assessment with a mission-oriented perspective: MISSION FIRST, PEOPLE ALWAYS. It’s the J Factor - All that’s expected and a little bit more.
Experience the J Factor and understand why we go above and beyond to protect what matters most to you.
Jim DiOrio, Founding Partner
Jim DiOrio’s career is a testament to his life as a servant leader. A graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, DiOrio served as a Field Artillery and Civil Affairs Officer in the US Army. He then served 20 years in the Federal Bureau of Investigation where he led criminal and terrorist investigations internationally. He has worked as a liaison to military and intelligence units worldwide and is highly decorated. He also serves on the Board of the Johnny Mac Soldiers Fund, a nonprofit he helped found that provides scholarships to family members of those lost during the War on Terror.
3 Steps to Protect What Matters
Reach out today and we will schedule time to understand what keeps you awake at night.
We will conduct an extensive onsite assessment, document our results and meet with you to present our prioritized recommendations.
It’s time to get to work, implementing our recommendations and giving you Peace of Mind!
The Lengths We’re Willing to go to Protect You
Why Hire J3 Global
People hire J3 Global because they already have it.
They already have it—and they don’t want to risk ever losing it.
And what exactly is “it,” you ask?
Quite simply: “It” is the one thing or idea that’s most important to an individual or an entity.
“It” could be an aspiration. Think “legacy,” for example.
“It” could be a product. Even the Mona Lisa’s not above an expert thief.
“It” could be a business. Elon Musk probably feels pretty strongly about Tesla, wouldn’t you say?
“It” could be a keepsake, real estate—WHATEVER.
Oftentimes, even the most important people—with the most important resources sitting right at their fingertips—fail to truly consider:
“What if it was taken from me?”
That’s where we come in. We stop dangers to whatever your “it” is—BEFORE they happen.
These past few year's developments should serve as both a THREAT and an OPPORTUNITY to all incredibly successful people—those who now sit on a personal goldmine that bad actors would line up around the corner to compromise - Take the time to evaluate your security from every angle.
I standby at the ready to provide you PEACE OF MIND.